5 powerful Hanuman ji mantra in Hindi shlok
Hanuman ji is a popular deity in Hinduism, he is worshiped by crores of people. is revered as a symbol of selflessness and unwavering loyalty. According to legend, Hanuman ji played an important role in the war of Ramayana, due to his unwavering devotion and power, he is immortal even today.
Top 5 Hanuman Mantra in Hindi:-
- मनोजवं मारुतुल्यवेगं जितेंद्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम्। वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये।।
- अतुलित बलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहम। दनुजवनकृशानुं, ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम्। सकलगुण निधानं वानराणामधीशम्। रघुपतिप्रिय भक्तं वातजातम् नमामि।।
- ओम नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय सर्वशत्रुसहारणाय सर्वरोगाय सर्ववशीकरणाय रामदूताय स्वाहा।।
- ओम नमो हनुमते रुद्रावतराय वज्रदेहाय वज्रनखाय वज्रसुखाय वज्ररोम्णे वज्रनेत्राय वज्रदंताय वज्रकराय वज्रभक्ताय रामदूताय स्वाहा।।
- ओम नमो हनुमते रुद्रावताराय विश्वरूपाय अमित विक्रमाय प्रकटपराक्रमाय महाबलाय सूर्य कोटिसमप्रभाय रामदूताय स्वाहा।।
Top 8 Hanuman ji ka Naam
- अतुलितबलधाम (अतुल्य बल के स्वामी)
- हेमशैलाभदेहम (हिमालय पर्वत के समान)
- दनुजवनकृशानुं (दैत्य वन को जलाने वाले)
- ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम् (ज्ञानियों में अग्रगण्य / महान)
- सकलगुणनिधानं (संपूर्ण गुणों को धारण करने वाले)
- वानराणामधीशं (वानरो के प्रमुख/धीश)
- रघुपतिप्रियभक्तं (श्री राम के प्रिय)
- वातजातं नमामि (वायु पुत्र को नमन)
5 big success is achieved by reciting Hanuman mantra
- Protection:- Hanuman ji is a powerful and intelligent God who has always been protecting the devotees by reciting his mantras we will always be safe and healthy.
- Strength:- Hanuman is known for his great strength and courage, By reciting the mantras of Hanuman ji, we get the blessings of Hanuman ji, which gives strength to our mind and body, so that we can fight against evils.
- Positive Energy: By reciting the mantra of Hanuman ji, the negative thinking inside us goes away and positive thinking increases, so that whatever work we do, we get success.
- Stress Relief: There are many troubles and tensions in our life, if we want to remove them, then we should read Hanuman Chalisa, by reading Hanuman Chalisa our tension goes away
- Improved Focus and Concentration: Reciting mantras develops concentration and intelligence inside our body, which we can use to make any work successful
Hanuman ji has always been removing the sorrows and sufferings of his devotees, whatever the devotees have been calling with a true heart, they have always been removing their sufferings.
Devotees remember Hanuman ji in many ways, some recite mantras, some sing songs, and some bow with a sincere heart.
There are five such mantras out of Pune Hanuman Mantras, on reciting which the blessings and protection of Hanuman ji remain with us, today we will discuss about those 5 mantras in this article.
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